Would you like to reduce spending, waste, accumulation and stress?

Then read on! Local environmentalists John and Rosie Hayes’ practical suggestions are good for us all and good for our earth.

John Hayes December 06, 2017

A physical gift for all is not necessary. Stay away from the stress of the shops and the gifts that just gather dust and occupy space.

For relatives, friends, neighbours, acquaintances, workmates − why not send greetings via telephone calls, visits, cards with a personal message, not just ‘to’ and ‘from’?

For immediate family, we suggest that for each adult, just one gift is purchased and given anonymously and just one gift is received. There should be a $ limit and families will work out their own creative ways of doing this.

A fun challenge could be nothing over $20, and the gift has to be bought in an op shop, recycling while helping a charity. It’s a great example for younger members of the family!

Gifts such as preserves, relishes and fruitcakes, for those with the skills to make them, are very acceptable.

A Christmas present we can all give – for the benefit of everyone − is a softer footprint on the planet, to protect God’s creation.

Below are 30 ideas. You could begin slowly and build up over time or be really adventurous and attempt them all before Christmas 2018!  Maybe you are already on the way?

Circumstances will dictate which are possible for you.

At Christmas 2017, and from time to time, tell your family which of the 30 you can tick.

Relax, smile and a happy Christmas to all!


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