Developing the student voice at St Bede’s Chisholm

The student Community Liaison Officers from St Bede’s Catholic College, Chisholm have all been given a crash course in communications.

Amy Theodore February 02, 2019

The course was the result of the St Bede’s student leadership committee – which has a number of teams - being appointed to provide leadership in the college in 2019.

One member of each team in the committee was given the title of Community Liaison Officer and that person is responsible for providing communications around the work of their team by producing newsletter articles, social media content and an article for the school magazine.

To help these officers develop their capacity to be a voice for what is happening at college, I ran a short communications workshop with the five students.

The session covered a number of communication and writing basics including the purpose of communications, writing for different audiences, how to use images effectively, writing for social media, the editing process and more.

Throughout the session students were given the opportunity to practice the skills on their provided activity sheets.

Each student grasped the various concepts quite quickly and certainly excelled in each activity.

The students were also provided with a summary sheet of everything covered in the workshop to give them something to refer back to as they develop their ideas and complete their stories throughout the year.

“Our Community Liaison Officers enjoyed the opportunity to work with Miss Theodore immensely,” said Andrew Cornwall, Studies Coordinator at St Bede’s.

“It was a wonderful chance for them to get some real-life insights into the communications process.

“They felt far more equipped to take on their role in writing articles for the school newsletters and magazine.”  

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