If you change nothing, nothing will change

Q I’m not coping with being at work at the moment. I feel like I am a hated person and a group of staff now ignores me because I told them they made me feel uncomfortable for speaking badly about other staff. There seems to be a culture of negativity and when I raised my concerns with the manager, I was told to lodge a formal complaint and to access counselling. I just don’t see how counselling will resolve the bullying I am now experiencing. I am also afraid to lodge a formal complaint because these colleagues will know it is me and will probably make my work life even worse. I feel stuck and miserable – what if I lodge a complaint, put myself through a process and the investigation comes back in favour of the colleagues I have issues with? This has happened before and I don’t want to have to leave another workplace due to something like this. What do I do?

Tanya Russell July 07, 2018

A Firstly, consider how you might feel if you did nothing and this negative situation continued. You always have options available to you, some more uncomfortable than others, and no doubt you have been thinking about these options. Some that come to my mind include:

For you to make an informed decision, it might be worthwhile talking to someone in Human Resources (HR) so that you gain an understanding about how complaints are handled. Will it be investigated by your manager or by HR? How long will the process take? Having this information can help you feel prepared, despite the outcome being uncertain. Keep this in mind: if you change nothing, nothing will change. There is more than one way to achieve this.


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