You’re invited to a youth festival like no other

The Australian Catholic Youth Festival (ACYF) will take place in Sydney from 7-9 December. Organisers are expecting 15,000 young people (Year 9 - 30 years) from around the country to attend. Caprice Skinner has attended the previous two festivals and World Youth Day in Poland and encourages young people from our diocese to attend this year.

Caprice Skinner May 03, 2017

ACYF is a unique experience. The entire festival is energising, uplifting and inspiring. Being surrounded by so many like-minded young people is like nothing you will have ever encountered before. The three days of the festival are busy, but there is so much to enjoy − every single moment is worth it.

The atmosphere is amazing. You really feel a strong sense of positivity and love. Everyone is there for the same reason – to strengthen their faith and connect with like-minded young Australians. There are so many opportunities to make new friends and meet people from around the country.

So what can you expect at ACYF? Each day of the festival there is a variety of workshops, events and activities. One of the most popular is the praise and worship sessions which are all about singing, dancing and prayer. Fr Rob Galea and Steve Angrisano perform their own collection of catchy tunes, with fabulous choreography. The plenary sessions are another highlight when all participants gather together. The Spirit is present and you leave feeling inspired, energised and connected to Christ.

The first ACYF was one of my most memorable moments in high school. If you’re at school now and you’re interested in going this year you should absolutely do it. Encourage your friends to go with you so you can share what is a life-changing experience. High school can be a stressful time and the festival gives you the perfect opportunity to unwind, take your mind off school and instead focus on your faith and learning more about yourself. It’s a fun and enjoyable experience that can enhance your spiritual journey, with the added bonus of making life-long friends. ACYF allows you the freedom to express your faith in whatever way suits you.

I came away from both festivals with a much greater understanding of who I am as a young Catholic. I felt motivated and passionate about expanding my faith knowledge and inspired to become more involved in the work of God. The festival will push you out of your comfort zone and you will definitely come away empowered to make a difference.

This year’s festival is going to be much bigger than ever before and it’s so close to home, so it’s the perfect opportunity for your first ACYF experience. Follow @MNcatholicyouth and @mnnewstoday on Facebook to get updates on upcoming information nights. You can also check out the ACYF website to learn more. You can register your interest in attending here.

I hope to travel with you and around 300 other diocesan pilgrims to the festival in December. It will definitely be an experience that you will love and remember forever.  

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