Ash Wednesday at Corpus Christi

On Wednesday 1 March, the school community of Corpus Christi Primary School, Waratah, celebrated Ash Wednesday with their local parishioners.

Amanda Skehan March 03, 2017

"We celebrate Ash Wednesday because it marks the beginning of the Season of Lent. We are asked to consider what we can do differently, with the hope of becoming a better version of ourselves." said Religious Education Coordinator, Matthew Perkins.

Students participated in a range of classroom activities to learn more about Ash Wednesday, specifically about why they receive the Ashes on their foreheads. 

"Giving up chocolate or fizzy drink is easy, but does it make us more Christ-like? This is the real challenge for us during Lent."

"At Corpus Christi we encourage our students to show empathy, service to others and to perform acts of kindness. Therefore, the focus is not on giving up something, but instead, doing more." said Mr Perkins 


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