Interfaith Service at Tighes Hill

Ten people attended an Interfaith Service was held in the Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, Tighes Hill, community garden at dusk on 4th Oct 2017.

Lawrie Hallinan October 09, 2017

The service used the symbol of light and colour. This was explained as, light hiding within itself multiple colours that are only discovered when the light is refracted by a prism, by water or by another object. 

In a similar way, the one God can be experienced through many spiritual traditions. The service drew on wisdom from the: Jewish, Buddhist, Islamic, Sikh, Hindu and Christian traditions. After each reading a coloured banner representing that tradition was unfurled from under a central table holding a large lit candle. 

During the service participants were invited to plant seedlings in the beds of the community garden. 

Participants joined in prayers that they might better recognise creation as gift and responsibility, revelation of the transcendent and invitation to co-creation and maintenance of a just and integral ecology.

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Interfaith Service at Tighes Hill Image 1.
Interfaith Service at Tighes Hill Image 2.
Interfaith Service at Tighes Hill Image 3.