DR MICHAEL SLATTERY: Why parents choose Catholic schools

Recent surveys in Catholic education indicate why parents send their boys and girls to Catholic schools.

Dr Michael Slattery March 20, 2017

Among the top ten reasons are:

·         Catholic education in the Faith

·         Pastoral Care

·         Academic success

·         Social Justice and Outreach

·         Sport

·         Role modelling by significant adults

I am sure the same could be said for parents in the Diocese of Maitland Newcastle where our emphasis is upon LEARNING….

·         Learning about our God, Jesus and our rich Catholic faith tradition

·         Learning our curriculums and various subjects

·         Learning about outreach to those less fortunate than ourselves

·         Learning the rudiments and spirit of sportspersonship

·         Learning how to become a young Christian man and woman in a contemporary world

It is crucial that all of our students continue that positive drive to achieve in their learning and I thank the staff within our schools and parishes for their leadership and dedication to achieve these learning goals. We want our Catholic schools to be places of Great Learning and places where Great Community is fostered.