I am writing this message some time before you read it, as Allen and I will be on two week’s leave in the north of Queensland with one of our children and her family. Recently, I have had the benefit of watching the recording of the sessions of the Scottish Laity Network on the Synodal Journey.

Teresa Brierley June 27, 2023

As part of the material sent to me, I came across The Pact of the Catacombs, which I recall sharing with you many years ago. I thought some of you may like to read this as part of this week’s message. As I re-read it, I was struck by its language and hope for a different church that responds to the signs of the times (aggiornamento) in an attempt to bring it up to date to meet current needs. This was one of the underpinning principles of the Second Vatican Council, the other being ressourcement which was about taking us back to our sources. Put simply, it is about looking back and looking to the future.

Here we are, 60 years later, yearning for that same hope. As you read it, I invite you to hear the echo of the papacy of Pope Francis and the current journey of the Bishop’s Synod on Synodality.

The Pact of the Catacombs (Domitilla) A poor servant Church

On the evening of November 16, 1965, as the Second Vatican Council drew to a close, 40 bishops met at night in the Domitilla Catacombs outside Rome.

In that holy place of Christian dead, they celebrated the Eucharist and signed a document that expressed their personal commitments as bishops to the ideals of the Council under the suggestive title of the Pact of the Catacombs. The only place that its complete text is found to be transcribed is in the Chronicle of Vatican II by the Franciscan bishop Boaventura Kloppenburg. He titled the document Pact of the Servant and Poor Church. It is known that the bishops were led by Archbishop Helder Camara of Recife, Brazil, one of the widely respected 20th-century champions of justice and peace. Later on, Cardinal Roger Etchagaray, who served as honorary president of the Pontifical Council, Justice and Peace, also signed it. Here are its words:

We, bishops assembled in the Second Vatican Council, are conscious of the deficiencies of our lifestyle in terms of evangelical poverty. Motivated by one another in an initiative in which each of us has tried to avoid ambition and presumption, we unite with all our brothers in the episcopacy and rely above all on the grace and strength of Our Lord Jesus Christ and on the prayer of the faithful and the priests in our respective dioceses. Placing ourselves in thought and in prayer before the Trinity, the Church of Christ, and all the priests and faithful of our dioceses, with humility and awareness of our weakness, but also with all the determination and all the strength that God desires to grant us by his grace, we commit ourselves to the following:

When we return to our dioceses, we will make these resolutions known to our diocesan priests and ask them to assist us with their comprehension, their collaboration, and their prayers.  

May God help us to be faithful.

Change is slow and yet it is in God’s time. Please keep praying for the Bishop’s Synod on Synodality which will take place in Rome from October 4 to October 29. 2023. The three areas for discernment are communion, participation and mission. The Synod is not an event but a process in which the whole People of God is called to walk together toward what the Holy Spirit helps it to discern as being the Lord's will for his Church.

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