Walk to stop the wild side

Taree CatholicCare Area Manager Kathryn Kent wants us all to do a runner and take a stand against violence this August-September.

Brooke Robinson July 20, 2020

Ms Kent is sending out an open invitation for participants in the Run Against Violence virtual team challenge, where members cover a distance of 1300 kilometres over 19 days (30 August to 17 September). She is hoping to see as many teams of 20 as possible register for the event.

Each team member runs or walks towards the group goal of 1300km. In a team of 20 for example, each person would only run or walk 3-4km a day and log their effort each of the 19 days.

Australian Police statistics show officers are responding to an incident of family violence every three minutes. People who experience violence can feel stigmatised and alone. They don't reach out for help for fear of their safety and what people will say and think.

Every one of us has the power to change that. By starting conversations, we rip down those social barriers. That makes it much easier for people to ask for help and to heal from their experiences. Each team entered in Run Against Violence will raise funds to help people in this situation.

Ms Kent runs for pleasure and to maintain her health, and this event will not only improve her own wellbeing but aims to help others too. “But non-runners are welcome,” she said. “You can either walk or run the event. It’s a great way to get involved and stay active.”

The distance is the same as the run from Broken Hill to Sydney, which is significant as it retraces the real-world 2017 Steps Together Ultramarathon.

Run Against Violence also chose the Broken Hill to Sydney route because: it links more than 25 communities, from remote to metropolitan, showing that family violence impacts us all; and the 1300km equates to 1.7 million steps, which is the estimated number of Australians who experience physical abuse before the age of 15.

If you would like to join a team, please contact Kathryn Kent at


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