Another successful year for CDF

The Catholic Development Fund (CDF) has had another successful year in supporting schools, parishes, agencies and associates of the Diocese.

Anne Campbell January 18, 2019

The CDF has planned to fund $43 million for projects relating to construction of new school buildings, purchase of school lands and significant school building upgrades including Stage 1 of the construction work at St Bede’s Chisholm, Stage 1 at St Mary’s College Gateshead and a refurbishment of the St Lawrence Flexible Learning Centre in Broadmeadow.

In addition, the CDF has helped fund the opening of three new St Nicholas Early Education Centres in Chisholm, Cardiff and Lochinvar and will provide further funding for six more centres to open

over the next two years, at an estimated cost of $15 million.

There has been significant regulatory change that has impacted the CDF throughout 2018 and this has impacted on the services the CDF has been able to provide to our clients. We would like to thank our loyal customers for their continued support of the CDF and the Diocese.

The surplus funds from the CDF are vital in supporting the Pastoral works of the Diocese which help ensure we remain a local church on mission.

The CDF aims to provide competitive rates on our Term Investments and invites you to contact the friendly staff to provide more details.

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