Share your story

Everyone has a story.

Rosemary McAllister March 26, 2020

No matter how ordinary yours may seem, we’ve all got a story to tell and you never know what it can mean to someone until you share it.

As we enter a period of social distancing and isolation, we have been given the gift of time. A time to reflect on our life, a life of being faithful people.  We invite you to share your story.

You could use the following questions as a guide.






We hope to use the stories as part of a Diocesan Formation and Education project.

For more information please contact or send your story to


Open the eye to the heart this Easter

St Ignatius of Loyola taught that we are all capable of finding God in all things. There is a mutual correlation between our spiritual awareness while we are inside the liturgy and our spiritual awareness outside of it.

We possess a sacramental imagination, that is, as humans we are able to see, experience, interpret, love, trust and hope.  But how do we learn to see the invisible in the visible?

Photography can be one of the spiritual practices that can open the eye to the heart, by awakening and transformation. There is a power in the lens which can find profound beauty in all things.

During this Easter/Lenten season we invite you to share your images of the Paschal Mystery (life, death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ).

You may wish to write a short reflection or prayer (no more than 50 words) to accompany your image.

Selected images will be published on Dio Update.

Please send your image and reflection to

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