Project Compassion 2021

This year due to COVID restrictions some of our communities are unable to meet face to face for the Project Compassion Launch. Our Diocese has had a long history of supporting Caritas and this year we invite you to access the number of resources produced locally.

Rosemary McAllister February 16, 2021

The theme for Project Compassion 2021 has been inspired by the quote from St Oscar Romero, “Aspire not to have more, but to be more.” 

Instead of aspiring to have more, we can focus on how we can BE more kind, more green, more involved, more aware, more giving. 

This Lent, let us consider how we can ‘BE MORE’ for our neighbours around the world. We are all globally called to make a difference.

Each year Caritas through Project Compassion respond to the needs of those less fortunate around the world.

Caritas apply and the Catholic Model for social justice, See Judge and Act and work with each community to help improve their situation which allows the individuals and communities to live their life to the full and be more.

Each week during Lent we can learn about the different community which Caritas are supporting.

We invite you to access the Diocesan resources here.

We can also join in on the Diocesan Online Reflection Groups during Lent, learn more here.

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