A Home for All? Renewing the Oikos of God

Take a deep breath and hold it. Keep holding. Hold on until you run out of breath! How long could you hold your breath? Safe to assume it wasn’t longer than a couple of minutes. Our body needs oxygen to survive. It is even more vital than food and water. Yet, we humans destroy the very earth that supplies us with this vital air and so much more. This needs to change!

Daniel Lee Chun Wei August 25, 2021

Research has found that if no action is taken, we have a 90% chance of facing a catastrophic collapse. In fact, it is happening now! We are already seeing huge declines in the populations of various animal species. But don’t lose hope just yet, as there are many individuals, communities and organisations that have taken a stand. One of these is Season of Creation!

Season of Creation (1 September – 4 October) is an ecumenical movement that calls for Christians all over the world to come together and care for our common home. This movement has existed for over 30 years and has done great work across the globe.

The Season of Creation 2021 theme is A Home for All? Renewing the Oikos of God.

The word Oikos comes has ancient Greek origins, and basically means household. Household had a different meaning in ancient Greece compared to modern times though. Back then, a household consisted of not only your immediate family, but also everybody that lives on your land and is under your care. This would mean roles such as servants, gardeners, and cooks would form part of your Oikos.

How often do we look out for those outside our family? How often do we go the extra mile? This year’s theme challenges us to care not just for our family, but for God’s Oikos; those under his care which is all of creation.

Personally, I have found that my experience living as a Catholic has helped with this idea of God’s Oikos, as we are a universal Church. I have been to Mass in other countries and despite the difference in culture, location, and language, I can still participate as the Mass is the same. I felt a sense of home and even the people there were welcoming like I was family. The symbol for this year’s theme is Abraham’s Tent. Based on the scripture, Abraham invited strangers into his tent, showing his hospitality even to those whom he does not know. He and those whom I met overseas are a great example that we can learn to follow.

This year, our diocese will be partnering with Season of Creation to help raise awareness of the urgent need to care for the Earth and one another. We are doing this through various creative activities such as a film competition, prayer and dialogue.

Season of Creation events at our Diocese

Season of Creation 2021 Launch

Date: Wednesday, 1 September
Time: 10:00AM
Password: 533823

Pints with a Purpose: Explore Season of Creation with Rose McAllister

The Season of Creation is a time to renew our relationship with our Creator and all creation through celebration, conversion, and commitment.

MN Catholic Youth welcome Rose McAllister (Manager- Formation and Education) who will explore this year's theme; inviting us to consider how we can celebrate this season so we are caring for our common home.

Date: Monday, 6 September 
Time: 7:00PM - 8:00PM

Film Competition

Do you love making TikTok videos or short films? Amidst the climate crisis and the coronavirus pandemic, our sisters and brothers are clamoring for hope and restoration. NOW is the time to come together and take action! You are invited to participate in a film contest which involves creating a 2-minute film that explores the 2021 Seasons of Creation theme – A Home for All.

To enter, register your interest by 1 September

Entries close: Friday, 18 September

More information:

Season of Creation Celebration

Guest presenters explore this year’s Season of Creation theme, and we will view film finalists creations.

Date: Saturday, 25 September
Time: 2:00PM


For more information, contact

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