Hello Hunter Sunday

Hello Hunter invites you and your church to join them on Sunday 14 November, and discover how you can help those who are feeling isolated, lonely or anxious in our community.

Guest Contribution November 09, 2021

About Hello Hunter

Hello Hunter was launched in 2020, and is available for any person experiencing hardship due to social isolation, poverty, disease, disability, illness, age, mental health, family, social, or other community network breakdown.

The initiative partners with churches to mobilise volunteers to help those in need, regardless of their faith background, commitment, other social standing or identity.

Originally created to assist those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, Hello Hunter links people in need with volunteers from local churches who can help.

Volunteers are available to make a friendly call, deliver essentials and assist in finding specialised help. On request, they are also able to pray with the person.

In the past eighteen months, Hello Hunter has helped:

You can read the stories of those helped by Hello Hunter here.

Hello Hunter Sunday

Hello Hunter Sunday has three main aims:

There is a great sense that Hello Hunter has the potential to serve our region for years to come. Hello Hunter invites you and your church to participate in 'Hello Hunter Sunday' on 14 November, or a weekend near that date.

Hello Hunter has put together a resource package that your Church can select from and use on the day.

For more information on how your parish can support Hello Hunter Sunday, visit their website.

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