Beyond the Wall: Stories of LGBTIQ+ spirituality & transformation

An inclusive, interfaith event is being held this Saturday at the Hunter Wetlands Centre, which encourages attendees to reflect on their own faith journey and listen and learn from others’ experiences.

Lizzie Watkin October 25, 2022

On the day, three presenters from diverse faith and life perspectives will share their experience of significant turning points which give life and meaning to their journey to wholeness as a LGBTIQ+ person.

Sharing their experiences will be:

Arden Cassie (she|her)

After affirming her gender in 2018 Arden quickly found her voice as an advocate for the transgender community working with Hunter Gender Alliance and Camp Out.

Mark Toohey (he|him)

Mark came out as gay aged 30 after a decade living as a Franciscan Friar where he developed an interest in liberation theology and working for social justice. For the next two decades he worked with marginalised communities in various social work and community development positions. Mark is a founding member of Rainbow Visions - Hunter, a forerunner of Newcastle Pride.

Catherine Pepper (she|her)

Catherine (Peps) Pepper is a trusted environmental sustainability leader who is inspired by the notion that the incarnation is about the reconciliation of all things to God, and that our body and sexuality is fearfully and wonderfully made. Peps has a strong interest in emerging church initiatives and is a regular speaker at Uniting Churches around Newcastle.

As well as hearing from the speakers, attendees will also be invited to take part in a workshop facilitated by Rev Dr Rod Pattenden (he|him). Rev Dr Pattenden is an artist and theologian and an openly gay minister in the Uniting Church. As part of the workshop attendees will be provided with opportunities to reflect on their own life-journey and take part in personal reflections and facilitated group discussions.

Event details for Stories of LGBTIQ+ spirituality & transformation

This event is open to anybody willing to respect diverse spiritualities aligned or otherwise with a mainstream religious tradition and is proudly supported by the LGBTIQ Catholic Forum, Hamilton Baptist Church, Adamstown Uniting Church, Anglican Diocese of Newcastle, The Hunter Presbytery of the Uniting Church in Australia.

When: Saturday 29 October

Time: 10.30am- 12.30pm

Where: Hunter Wetlands Centre

Prior registration is required as space is limited.

Visit to secure your spot.

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