October 24, 2023
These are good questions for us to ponder, in this time of world violence and confusion.
October 17, 2023
Our songs, our stories, our paintings, our dances, our languages, must never be lost, no matter the tradition.
October 10, 2023
As people of faith, we are asked to tend to God’s vineyard and to produce fruit that will last. This is a grave responsibility as fellow pilgrims.
August 22, 2023
By the time you receive this message, I will have boarded a plane with my husband Allen as we begin an around-the-world trip over the coming six weeks.
August 15, 2023
Once again it is Sunday evening and after singing at Mass, I have an ear worm that won’t leave me, of the chorus of a hymn we sang at the Preparation of the Gifts:
Do not be afraid, do not be afraid, have courage it is I.
(from the hymn Do Not Be Afraid by Suzanne Toolan rsm).
August 08, 2023
Who knows what can happen on high mountains or as we stay on mountain top experiences.