Have you ever met a person, or indeed a family, and felt instantly at ease? Their smile shines from within, their kind words having you nodding your head in agreement and their love for life and those around them radiates. This is how I would describe my first encounter with Bella, Jessica, Mark and Anne- the ‘Woolley Family.’
In recognition of Foster and Kinship Care Week 2018 (9-15 September), Catholic Care Social Services Hunter Manning launched two short films aimed at debunking misconceptions and reinforcing the importance of foster care in our community.
CatholicCare is urgently seeking someone - a single, couple or family - to provide care for a 15-year-old boy, Mark*, who has been living in crisis motel accommodation for over six months.
Can you help? We will provide you with an allowance, 24/7 emergency support, training and a dedicated care team that will guide you and Mark on your journey together.
As I arrived at her home, Marg greeted me with a warm smile and an enthusiastic wave. Upon entering, I felt instantly at ease, despite only having met her once, very briefly.
Have you ever considered becoming a foster carer or are you even a little bit curious to learn more about out of home care and open adoption? If so, CatholicCare invites you to attend one of our information sessions, to be held at various locations across the Hunter Valley in the coming months.