LITURGY MATTERS: Easter is no mere historical remembering IMAGE Liturgy Matters

LITURGY MATTERS: Easter is no mere historical remembering

March 29, 2021 Louise Gannon rsj

Holy Week has begun. And the good news of 2021 is that we can participate in the Holy Week liturgies in accord with the registration arrangements in parishes. Given that we were unable to have a public celebration of Easter last year, I am wondering what it will be like this year.

LITURGY MATTERS: Chrism Mass in on! IMAGE Liturgy Matters

LITURGY MATTERS: Chrism Mass in on!

March 16, 2021 Louise Gannon rsj

Last year’s COVID-19 lockdown meant we had no Chrism Mass in 2020. Well, it’s back in 2021 but with the necessary COVID restrictions.

LITURGY MATTERS: Rituals Remind Us IMAGE Liturgy Matters

LITURGY MATTERS: Rituals Remind Us

March 02, 2021 Natasha Brotherton

There is something about rituals that connects people. Rituals provide us with a sense of belonging to something bigger than ourselves and the everyday routines and habits that we develop. Rituals retell the story of our culture, our past, our common beliefs and values that unite us and give depth and meaning to our lives.

LITURGY MATTERS: Grief Matters IMAGE Liturgy Matters


February 16, 2021 Louise Gannon rsj

In the past couple of years, we have experienced three miscarriages in our family. Beyond the grief of the present moment, this took me back more than thirty years to when one of my brothers and sisters-in-law experienced two miscarriages before having my now grown and larger than life, almost infamous nephews.

LITURGY MATTERS: Initiation Matters IMAGE Liturgy Matters

LITURGY MATTERS: Initiation Matters

February 02, 2021 Louise Gannon rsj

At the Vigil Mass at the Cathedral on Saturday night (Jan 30) a young man named Travis celebrated his first communion. I was surprised at how that moment, and our communal acknowledgment of it in the Concluding Rites, lifted my heart and brought a smile to my face.

LITURGY MATTERS: Ponies, Gregorian Chant and COVID-19 IMAGE Liturgy Matters

LITURGY MATTERS: Ponies, Gregorian Chant and COVID-19

December 15, 2020 Anne Millard

There is a famous joke about a child who, on Christmas morning, finds a pile of horse manure under the tree instead of the expected presents. Yet, far from disappointed, the child gleefully shovels the manure (by hand, no less), because with all that manure, there must be a pony! I could be that child.  Frankly, I always try to be that child. 

LITURGY MATTERS: 2021 a liturgical bridge from 2020 IMAGE Liturgy Matters

LITURGY MATTERS: 2021 a liturgical bridge from 2020

December 08, 2020 Louise Gannon rsj

We will continue to live with the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021 and the immediacy of not knowing and constant change. Therefore, the Diocesan Liturgy Council (DLC) imagines our liturgical life in 2021 as a bridge, spaning the distance between 2020 and the hopes and dreams we may have for 2022.

LITURGY MATTERS: The imagination of anticipation IMAGE Liturgy Matters

LITURGY MATTERS: The imagination of anticipation

December 01, 2020 Fiona Duque

As we find ourselves at the start of the liturgical season of Advent, are we truly focused on what this time can bring to our lives and of those around us?