LITURGY MATTERS: Pope Francis COVID-19 Blessing IMAGE Liturgy Matters

LITURGY MATTERS: Pope Francis COVID-19 Blessing

March 30, 2020 Louise Gannon rsj

In the midst of the COVID 19 pandemic, Pope Francis has stood in stunning isolation to share his profoundly moving reflection and blessing in which he entrusts us all to the compassionate care of God. 

LITURGY MATTERS: ‘Do you love me?’ A question about participation IMAGE Liturgy Matters

LITURGY MATTERS: ‘Do you love me?’ A question about participation

March 23, 2020 Louise Gannon rsj

How did we get to the fourth week of Lent so quickly? Are you beginning to feel renewed? Any changes in your participation in liturgy? Are you changing?  What are you hoping for as we move towards Easter?  What new life? What light? 

LITURGY MATTERS: The Vatican II take on full, conscious and active participation in the liturgy IMAGE Liturgy Matters

LITURGY MATTERS: The Vatican II take on full, conscious and active participation in the liturgy

March 17, 2020 Louise Gannon rsj

And so to the third week of Lent and back to our reflection on our full, conscious and active participation in liturgy and life. How is your journey of baptismal renewal and conversion going? Are you noticing any difference in your participation in liturgy? Is this changing you and how you live your baptism day in and day out?

LITURGY MATTERS: It’s only a Rite, Right? IMAGE Liturgy Matters

LITURGY MATTERS: It’s only a Rite, Right?

March 09, 2020 Natasha Brotherton

Remembering the Rite of Election on Sunday March 1

LITURGY MATTERS: An invitation to participate fully, consciously and actively in the very life of God IMAGE Liturgy Matters

LITURGY MATTERS: An invitation to participate fully, consciously and actively in the very life of God

March 02, 2020 Louise Gannon rsj

Here we are in the middle of the first week of Lent at the start of our six week journey of renewal and conversion. What difference did your reflection on last week’s Liturgy Matters make to your participation in liturgy over the weekend?  

LITURGY MATTERS: Lent is a time to focus on our baptismal life IMAGE Liturgy Matters

LITURGY MATTERS: Lent is a time to focus on our baptismal life

February 24, 2020 Louise Gannon rsj

Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday which marks the beginning of Lent.  Lent is a time to focus on our baptismal life and how we are living our baptism day in and day out.  We renew our baptism every time we celebrate the liturgy, especially Eucharist.  The depth of that renewal is commensurate to the depth of our participation in the liturgy. Let’s begin to ponder that.

LITURGY MATTERS: The Liturgical Year Matters IMAGE Liturgy Matters

LITURGY MATTERS: The Liturgical Year Matters

February 17, 2020 Louise Gannon rsj

The Season of Lent is almost upon us and parishes and many other groups are busy organising Lenten Groups so they are in ‘ready, set, go’ position by the time Lent starts.  The associated promotion of these groups leads me to reflect on whether our Lenten groups gather and pray according to the wisdom of our liturgical year.  Let’s reflect together.

LITURGY MATTERS: It is the season when all roads lead to the Cathedral IMAGE Liturgy Matters

LITURGY MATTERS: It is the season when all roads lead to the Cathedral

February 11, 2020 Louise Gannon rsj

Last week I was looking for singers.  This week I am inviting everyone: those who are Catholic and those seeking to become Catholic, whether adults through the RCIA process, or parents presenting their children to complete the Sacraments of Initiation, to come to the Cathedral and join in the feast of liturgies that begins tonight.